
Library Sale of Angela Livingstone, Professor of Russian Literature – all books £1

May 24, 2024

Housmans have been donated the library of Angela Livingstone. As well as being a teacher of many aspects of literature, Angela had a specialism in writing about, translating, and teaching the works of three twentieth-century Russian writers in particular: the poetry and prose of Boris Pasternak, the poetry and prose of Marina Tsvetaeva, and the prose of Andrei Platonov. 

The extensive library of around 1,000 books that we have been donated is dominated by works of Russian literature, written in both English and Russian, with many rare and hard to find titles included. Some of the books contain her annotations.

We shall be selling all titles here at just £1. Our aim is to keep these books in circulation. Please help us to do that by passing on information about the sale to anyone you think might be interested. The sale begins on Saturday 8th June, 11am, and will last a couple of weeks or thereabouts.

For more information on Angela and her work please visit
Housmans would like to thank Angela’s family for the donation.

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