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Geopolitics for the End Time : From the Pandemic to the Climate Crisis

by Macaes, Bruno | Society & social sciences
Published 02/09/2021 by C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd in the United Kingdom
Hardback | 240 pages

A sharp vision of our changing world order as Covid and climate breakdown usher in a new ‘survival of the fittest’. How well have different cultures and societies responded, and could this become a turning point in the flow of history?Before Covid, a new competition was already arising between alternative geopolitical models-but the context of this clash wasn’t yet clear. What if it takes place on neutral ground? In a state of nature, with few or no political rules, amid quickly evolving chaos? When the greatest threat to national security is no longer other states, but the environment itself, which countries might rise to the top?This book explores how Covid-19 has already transformed the global system, and how it serves as a prelude to a planet afflicted by climate change.

Bruno Macaes is one of the first to see the pandemic as the dawn of a new strategic era, heralding a profoundly changed world-political landscape. Cover image: Ludwig Meidner, ‘Apocalyptic City’, 1913. (c) Ludwig Meidner-Archiv, Judisches Museum der Stadt Frankfurt am Main

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